1. 遊歩道で犬の散歩をさせる際、尿が残したままの住民がいる。悪臭がするし、不衛生でもあるので、散歩の後は洗い流すなどの処置をしてほしい。
2. このコミュニティには野良猫が多い。外に出していたゴミを荒らされる。また外のドアマットに猫の吐瀉物が認められ、ドアマットを2回、買い換えた。
It is recommended that a hefty fine be imposed on residents who feed cats. Also, the feasibility of installing additional CCTV cameras needs to be examined to identify errant residents.
1. に関しては、彼の言い分に同意する。もちろん、便は処理されているとはいえ、石の上の尿のシミは、目立つ。犬には植え込みなどで放尿するよう教えられないのだろうか、とも思うが、仕方ない。便の片付けは当然ながら、尿もなんとかすべきだろう。
2. に関しても、苦情を言いたい気持ちはわかる。しかしゴミの問題については、ドアの外に放置する方が間違っている。ゴミの回収人が来た時に渡す仕組みになっているので、これは墓穴を掘る形だ。ドアマットの吐瀉物に関しては、運が悪かったとしか言いようがない。
「向こうが罰金などと言い出すなら、こっちは弁護士を雇って、徹底的に戦ってやる! 罰金よりも高額を払って構わない!」と息巻く。
Feeding community animals is a fundamental duty of every citizen of India, as mentioned in Article 51-A(G) of the Indian Constitution.
No person can stop someone else from feeding or caring for community animals, and violation amounts to harassment which is a punishable offense. Animals are also protected from coerced/ unnatural relocation or any form of suffering under Section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960.
ちなみにお隣のプルヴァ・パークでは彼女を中心に、野良猫を増やさない唯一の解決策として、TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) を実施しているという。カゴに餌を仕掛けて猫をおびき寄せ、捕獲。その後、去勢/避妊手術を施し、元の居場所に戻すというプロジェクトだ。
CUPA’s (Compassion Unlimited Plus Action) recommendation on reducing the stray cat population (from Shilpa, a Purva Park resident working for CUPA) :
Both, Purva Park and Purva Carnation, have been dealing significant feline cat populations in the premises for a long time now. This issue is common in all residential complexes and there is only one solution that is effective, humane and legal. This is called TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) which has been successfully implemented in campuses and even in entire cities.
Community dogs and cats live in all our neighbourhoods and while gated communities are able to keep stray dogs at bay, high walls and secure gates are hardly any obstacle for most cats who are naturally extremely agile and sure-footed. Cats instinctively migrate to places where they find food and shelter. Inside Purva Park, the lack of stray dogs provides an added comfort and it is not surprising at all to know that cats habitat the area. One unsterilised female cat can produce 20 kittens a year, which is why we often see a boom in the cat and kitten population in such 'safe' areas.
Taking the cats away will only result in a void that will soon be filled up with more stray cats who are sure to waltz in from outside our complex. Taking away the cats also sends the message that other "lesser" beings can be displaced by being overpowered. This way of thinking is unacceptable.
Given all these aspects, CUPA will always advocate strongly for the TNR program on feral cats, releasing them in the area where they were picked up. Cats are territorial and after a point will not allow new cats into 'their' campus. Sterilized cats means that we will not have to deal with litters of kittens and the population of cats will stabilize at some point. These cats are also vaccinated, which means that there is nothing to fear in the event of a scratch of bite.
Feeding community animals is a fundamental duty of every citizen of India, as mentioned in Article 51-A(G) of the Indian Constitution. No person can stop someone else from feeding or caring for community animals, and violation amounts to harassment which is a punishable offense. Animals are also protected from coerced/ unnatural relocation or any form of suffering under Section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960.
In 2015, the association of Jal Vayur Vihar attempted to "get rid" of cats by most shameful means. The issue was raised with the police and the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI). Association members concerned were forced to issue apologies and step down from their positions of authority after the incident.
CUPA possesses a specially imported cat trap which lures cats into a cage with food and closes when the cat inside upsets a balance mechanism while entering to reach the food. The cage is fairly long, ensuring that the cat is completely inside when the door shuts. A mini-committee needs to be formed among the residents, to take up the task of handling the cage responsibly and taking the cats to a clinic for the surgery after they are caught.
Within Purva Park, I have already begun this process and sterilized several cats at my expense. A fellow neighbor helps very much and has also shared some of these expenses. CUPA is right now organizing the Hundred Cats Project - neutering procedures for community cats at half the rate which is only Rs. 1,500 per cat. Now is a good time to get the cats neutered.
At the crux of all of this is the fact that we all have to live harmoniously together - there is no option of "doing away" with animals who are also Purva Park/Carnation residents in every respect.
◎If You're An Animal Lover Who Looks After Strays In India, These Are Your Rights
◎Animal Welfare Board of India
Q 10) Can people who feed animals in their areas be stopped by the RWAs or Societies or neighbour under the law?
A) Article 51A of the Constitutional Law of India, speaks about the duties of every citizen of India. One of these duties includes having compassion for living creatures. So the animal lover is protected under the Constitution.,
Article 19 of the Constitution of India, deals with right to freedom and in this freedom comes the right to profession, occupation, trade and business. Therefore, it means that every citizen has the right to occupation and if someone has taken the caring of animals as his occupation, it is legal and he has every right to carry on with his occupation.
Article 21 of the Constitution of India states the right to personal life and liberty. This is a very vast right. If someone wants to feed and provide shelter to dogs, he is at liberty to do so. He has the same right to liberty that the law provides to every citizen of India.
Section 503 of the Indian Penal Code 1860, provides that intimidation is a criminal offence which is cognizable. Anyone who threatens or intimidates any person taking care of dogs, is liable for criminal intimidation under Section 503 of Indian Penal Code and can be arrested without a warrant.
But, above every law and rights, there is a natural right, which is a universal right, inherent in the nature of ethics and contingent on human actions or beliefs. It is the right that is claimed to exist even when it is not enforced by Government or society as a whole. It is the right of the individual and considered beyond the authority of a Government or international body to dismiss. Therefore, if there are any rights at all, there must be right to liberty, for all the others depend on this. And the choice of loving, caring, feeding and giving shelter to dogs is the natural right of any individual.
In a Judgment passed by the Delhi Court, it has been stated that the Animal Welfare Board of India and the Municipal Authorities have in the guidelines issued by them specified the problem often faced by individuals and families who adopt and feed stray animals. The court says that it is necessary to bring into record that these individuals and families who adopt stray animals are doing a great service to humanity as they are acting in the aid and assistance of Municipal Authorities by providing these animals with food and shelter and also by getting them vaccinated and sterilized.
Without assistance of such persons no local Municipal Authority can successfully carry out its ABC programme. The Court has proceeded to say that the local police and the municipal authorities are under obligation not only to encourage such adoption but also to ensure protection to such persons who come forward to take care of these animals specifically the community or neighborhood dogs so that they are not subjected to any kind of cruelty, finally, the Court has said that every individual has the right to live his life in the manner he wants and it is necessary that the society and the community recognize it.