先日、行きつけのブティックAmbaraのオーナーであるJayaから連絡があった。「A Touch of Joy」の展示会で販売するサリーを、当日、着てもらえないかということだった。サリーのよさは、広げて着用してみて初めてわかる。モデルの一人に選ばれたことがうれしいくて、二つ返事でOKした。
デザイナーは、ムンバイ在住のJoy Bimal Roy。彼の父はベンガル映画監督として国際的に著名なBimal Roy。彼の母はインドにおける女性写真家の先駆けでもあるManobina Royだ。Joyが、古いサリーを甦らせるべくプロジェクトを開始したのは、2年前に癌で早逝した妹のコレクションである数々の良質なサリーを、友人たちにシェアしたことが契機だった。
サリーの「アップサイクル」とも銘されたこの「A Touch of Joy」の取り組みは、個人的にも非常に関心がある。早速、彼のサイトを検索し、作品の数々を見る。いずれも「懐かしさ」を感じさせる気品が漂う。中でも真っ先に目に止まったサリー。これがいいな……と思いつつ、展示会の前日、Ambaraに立ち寄ったところ……。あった!
◉Touch of Joy’s Saris
“Joy Roy’s heartening endeavor of resurrecting vintage sarees stems from him upcycling some of his late sister, Yashodhara’s sarees for her friends who asked for a keepsake of her. Yashodhara had a prized collection of handcrafted sarees, enjoyed wearing sarees, and was admired for her choice of sarees as well as the grace with which she draped them. Working on some of his sister’s sarees, Joy realized he had a gift for and a love for reconstructing vintage textiles. This inspired him to team up with Radhi Parekh, Founder Director of Artisans, a gallery in Mumbai, to take the initiative of revitalizing heritage textiles further.
Artisans created a Saree Bank for anyone wishing to donate a vintage saree and Joy began putting together a collection of beautifully designed collectibles. The label was christened ‘A Touch of Joy’ – an appropriate play on Joy’s name. The project truly lives up to its name as heritage sarees are given a new lease of life.”
“It is like working on a jigsaw puzzle”, says Joy Bimal Roy, a Mumbai based aesthete with a passion for textiles, about his process of revitalizing vintage sarees. Combining one saree with the pallav of another and borders from others - Gadwals, Kanjeevarams, Kanthas, Tangails and Dhakais long packed away and forgotten are given a new lease of life, quite transformed as the designer has ingenuously combined different textiles and given the erstwhile traditional weave a new elegance.” (Ambara’s Facebook)