Last evening, four days after me, my husband landed in Japan for the first time in four years. I went shopping in the afternoon because I wanted to have a relaxing meal at home rather than eating out.
After finishing my own shopping, in the late afternoon I go to the food area on the basement floor of a department store. In Japan, this place is called "Depa-Chika (basement)” and is a treasure trove of food. Fukuoka, in particular, has a well-stocked fresh fish section. Yesterday's highlight was the sushi platter. It was full of our favourite fish!
In the evening, time sales begin at the few shops. Fresh sashimi and other seafood being priced at less than half of their original price. I was so surprised at the low price that I asked the salesperson, “Are you sure?”
In January of this year, the New York Times announced that Fukuoka, my hometown, had been selected as one of the "52 Places to Go in 2023. My husband told me about it yesterday.
……Anyway, my mother and husband are happy to see each other for the first time in four years. Since they do not speak the same language, I will be in charge of interpreting for the next few days.
三越デパ地下のお寿司コーナーで、我々夫婦が好むネタが満載の寿司盛り合わせを発見! インドやニューヨークはもちろんのこと、東京でも、この値段でこのクオリティは実現できないであろうクオリティに感嘆し、店主のお兄さんとも、ついつい話が盛り上がる。夕方、買い物をすませて買いに来るべく予約をした。
大丸へ赴き、毎年購入する靴ブランド (Beaufort) でウォーキングシューズとサンダルを買い(超絶歩きやすい、踊りやすい)、天ざるそばランチを味わい、諸々、自分の買い物をすませた後、夕方、再びデパ地下へ。ある鮮魚店で丁度、タイムセールが始まった。2000円〜3000円の商品が、すべて1000円均一とのこと。あまりのお手頃さに驚愕し、「本当に、いいんですか?」などと問いつつ、ブリの刺身(塊)やエビなどを購入。