右下の写真は、母が作ってくれた朝食。これに味噌汁とご飯が付く、朝から豪勢な品揃えである。ふふ。特にカボチャ。日本の栗カボチャはおいしい! 明太子もあるよ。
My mother cooked authentic Japanese style breakfast. Served with rice and miso soup.
ところで、わたしのiBookをチェックしたアレルギーな担当青年曰く、わたしのサイトを見たことがあるとのこと。聞けば、わたしがニューヨークにいたころ、彼もまたニューヨークに住まい、大学に通っていたという。muse new yorkも目にしたことがあるそうだ。
2001年に卒業し、September 11th の影響により、米国で就職することなく、帰国を余儀なくされたとか。その後、しばらくたって、気持ちにけりをつけるため、再びマンハッタンを訪れ、あのグラウンドゼロを、ぼんやりと、眺めたのだ経緯を話してくれたのだった。
Had a restful morning, then off to Tenjin again by bus to pick up my iBook. Obviously, they cannot assure a proper maintenance without formatting the hard disk. But the thing is I don't have any of those original software with me. Plus, I feel uneasy about following setup adjustment
According to them, my iBook is on the verge of "yellow light". What if it went down? I now reckon that I should get a new one as security. I cannot do any of my job without this-it's an investment, indeed.
So, on the way there, I was all determined. "Let's buy a new one."
The new product is called MacBook. What's difference between iBook, the one I have, is that this new counterpart is equipped with a Pentium chip. I wasn't sure about it's compatibility with Mac. Having to face any trouble right after purchase is the last thing you want.
I then heard that it is their second version of product. They have done this combination before. Well, that's a different story.
I guess this is how a layman like myself questions and convinces oneself.
Anyways, it's just incredible that you can have your new computer in your hands ready to use with all the contents of hard drive already transported-only a couple of hours after you decided to buy it!
I also love that a whole package is compact. A manual book is thin enough, no unnecessary bells and whistles coming along. Think the simple style of Mac computer just suits me fine.
By the way, this "allergic"young fellow at the shop told me that he had visited my website before. He went back to Manhattan once for himself to get it over. He also knew about "muse new york". Small world!
He was in NY going to college just around the time I was living there. Said he ended up coming back to Japan after the graduation in the consequence of September 11....
わたしは常々、福岡がアジア各国(各都市)との交流の窓口として、大いに開けてほしいものだと感じている。将来は、東京とよりも、福岡 - インド間で仕事ができればとも思っている。まだ、具体的なことは、なにもイメージできていないのだが。
街角にポニー! ここはインド?! 無論、インドの動物は、こんなにきれいじゃないどね。乗馬スクールの宣伝に駆り出されているらしい。右は大丸のクリスマスツリー。ペットボトルでできている。
I just didn't wait for my new computer to be ready; I headed off to "Nishi Nippon (West Japan) Newspaper Company, hoping to get a India-related writing opportunity.
I just walked in with no appointment. Quite a nerve, I'll say. Well, I didn't know the right person to contact in the first place and I had nothing to lose here-so why not just give it a shot!
This is a kind of occasion I realize how my book "machi no hi" becomes an useful tool. Bringing this published book makes it much easier for me to make an appeal. In fact, this newspaper company once introduced my book.
Anyhow, I explained my intention of visit to the receptionist and she nicely put me through to the International Department. What a great relief I didn't get turned away.
The lady at the other end of line was also very kind and she showed me into the editorial office. Luckily I was finally able to speak to the person in charge.
My purpose was to clue them in with my background in India. I know my knowledge about India is still pretty limited. But who can get a whole grasp of that country?? I just want to do what I can do.
I have always hoped deep in my heart that Fukuoka city will grow more open to many countries and cities in Asia as a contact point for international exchanges. I would rather hope to start some business in the future between Fukuoka and India than Tokyo-India.
I did some research on internet and found out that a group of people from "Fukuoka Chamber of Commerce and Industry" is visiting Bangalore just now while I am here in Japan. Apparently, They have friendly relationships with State of Karnataka (where Bangalore is).
I believe this is a wonderful and favorable opportunity to me. Must be a good chance to make a launch attempt. [Translated by Michi-san]
さて、夕方、Apple Storeで新品のコンピュータを得た後、今度は博多駅へ。実は、高校時代の友人らと今日はほぼ23年ぶりに再会するのだ……。この夜のことは、また後ほど記そうと思う。