📷Professional work プロの仕事。(日本語は下部) I wore a "Kyoto Yuzen Saree" to the Diwali party the other day. The photos taken by the photographers were sent to m...
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パンデミックの影響で、不自由だった過去2年。しかし今年はもう、インド世間は従来に増して、ホリデー気分が盛り上がっている気がする。実際のところ、先ほど確認するまで、本当のディワリーの日程を把握していなかった😅 ヒンドゥー教における新年のお祝いであり、美や富、豊穣を司るラクシュミーという女神を崇める祝祭...
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(日本語は下に) Unexpectedly, my husband and I had an elegant dinner together. I am wearing a Banarasi saree which is made in Varanasi (complicated). I bough...
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昨日もまた、ディワリ・パーティに招かれた。お預かりしている京友禅サリー2枚のうちの、もう一枚。白地に赤い牡丹。清楚とダイナミックが共存するサリーだ。このサリーについては、また後ほど詳しく紹介したい。 さて、マリーゴールドをはじめとする花々で彩られた邸宅。お茶やお菓子をいただきながら、友人らと言葉をか...
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(日本語は下に) 🇮🇳Last week, an exhibition of “Kyoto Yuzen Dying” was held in Kyoto. In addition to about 200 kimonos, 21 sarees were displayed. These are pi...
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Japan and India. Working in harmony, passing on traditional craftsmanship to the next generation.(日本語は下に) I am pleased to announce that I will be a pr...
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I created this blog to help Japanese people understand the appeal of Indian sarees and other Indian fashion and jewelry. All of the older articles are written in Japanese, but I plan to gradually add more articles in English as well. I hope you enjoy it.